Come Follow Medle
Come Follow Medle

Come Follow Medle

Come Follow Medle is an online word game to improve the study of the scriptures included in Come Follow Me. Every week, it provides a fresh and engaging way to study the lesson. This game is especially for those who follow religion and worship Jesus. The correct answer will be a five-letter word, and you have a total of six guesses. Each day's vocabulary in this game is related to the Old Testament. Your goal is to apply existing knowledge to solve the puzzle based on the hints from the previous guess.

Come Follow Medle requires players to not only be knowledgeable but also have a habit of reading regularly. The wide range of correct answers will challenge every player regarding vocabulary that appears in the Bible. However, make sure that the words you guess are typical of the topic. Avoid using words that are too common in everyday life to waste in vain.

First, choose a five-letter word that features the Come Follow Me lesson. Players should pay attention to the appearance of the letters: a, e, i, o, u. This set of vowels will provide valuable hints for correct vocabulary. The correct characters will appear in the green box (correct in both appearance and position) or yellow box (correct in appearance only) after the player presses the “Enter” button. Additionally, incorrect characters will appear in gray boxes.

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