Microsoft Sudoku
Microsoft Sudoku

Microsoft Sudoku

Microsoft Sudoku takes you to the world of tricky numbers with classic Sudoku gameplay. Your rounds are not simply a test of your computational intelligence. The player's goal is to fill in the correct numbers in the appropriate box. The rules of the game are extremely simple: in a column, a row, or any 3x3 square corner, all the numbers 1–9 must appear. That means you are not allowed to duplicate numbers in the above ranges. They seem to be easy problems to solve but take a lot of time to reason.

You can experience two modes and four difficulty levels in Microsoft Sudoku. Classic rounds will be on the usual 9x9 grid, while irregular mode has a change in regulation range. Levels from easy to expert will help players progress gradually, as well as being an ideal opportunity for newcomers to enjoy creative gameplay in each mode. Don't forget that you still have limited help. Make good use of the clues before using this great feature!

The detailed gameplay of two modes

  • Classic mode: Normal rules of Sudoku. This is a safe choice for all gamers.
  • Irregular mode: Instead of paying attention to the 3x3 corner, you need to focus on areas with the same light color, covered by bold lines. In reality, the numbers still need to be different in rows, columns, and 3x3 corners. However, one more requirement is that within the same color range, the numbers need to be unique. That makes this mode only for those familiar with classic Sudoku gameplay who want to increase the challenge.

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