Perfdle is a crossword game inspired by the Wordle game with exciting word-guessing challenges every day. The board in this game is in basic and common form, with five columns and six rows. Players will need to guess a five-letter word correctly and have up to six tries. Use your top vocabulary skills for the best-quality challenges. Besides, don't forget to consult other sources of support. This not only helps you gain more searching skills but also improves your judgment.
After choosing a vocabulary word, the player clicks "Enter" for the game to give feedback. The boxes that turn green are the correct letters in the answer. You do not need to make any further adjustments. With the crosswords turning yellow, you need to choose another location to get closer to the correct answer. The cells that turn gray are the wrong characters, and players should not use them in the next guess.
Similar to most other word games, Perfdle also has a square board and a keyboard that appear on the main screen. Players click on the letters to fill in meaningful words on the board game. You can delete characters by using the “Delete” key in the lower right corner.
Remember to effectively link suggestions by color code to get the most accurate guesses. Hope you find the answer in the fewest attempts!