

Backgammon is an attractive strategy game on a board with 24 points and 30 round objects divided equally on both sides. Each point on the board can be located using a dice eye. This is not only an entertaining game but also an intellectual sport that requires strategy and calculation. By understanding how to play and applying smart strategies, you can become a professional Backgammon player. So, let's learn the main points in this tricky gameplay right below!

Points to note on how to play

  • Getting Started: Each player has 15 pieces, placed on the table in a random order. Each player's goal is to move all of his or her pieces from the opponent's starting point to an end point called their "home board", then remove them from the board.
  • Move: Players use two dice to move their pieces according to the number of points recorded on each dice. You can move your pieces in two ways: one way is to move one piece according to the number of points on each dice, or two ways is to move two pieces according to two separate dice.
  • Blocking and Kicking Out: An important part of the game is offense and defense. You can block the opponent by placing multiple pieces on the same spot, making it impossible for the opponent to move past.
  • Strike and Defend: When a single player's piece is standing on a point and the opponent places a piece on that point, that piece is knocked out and must start again from the opponent's starting point.

How to play

You use the left-click to roll dice, select objects, and target them. The control method is simple but comes with brain-hacking gameplay. Each of your turns plays a decisive role in the final victory. Therefore, be careful in each operation to have a glorious victory!

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