

Quantle is an intriguing game where players tackle quantum computing equations through educated guesses and deductions. The gameplay revolves around manipulating qubits using quantum gates to match a given equation. Your goal is to figure out the correct arrangement of gates that satisfy the equation.

How To Play

In Quantle, you'll engage in a mix of guessing and deduction to solve quantum computing equations based on provided clues. The objective is to decipher the correct quantum computing equation by utilizing the given clues and employing the process of elimination. Your challenge lies in figuring out the precise arrangement of quantum gates and states that form a valid equation.

With each guess, you'll see how close you are to the correct equation based on the changing colors of the tiles. Remember, your guesses involve applying quantum gates to manipulate the state of a single qubit. For an equation to be valid, it must have a ket on each side.

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