Times Table Sequences Game is inspired by the popular game Wordle! In this game, you'll have six attempts to discover a sequence of five numbers from a times table. The sequence should be chosen from the 2 times table up to the 10 times table.
Your objective is to find a horizontal sequence of five numbers from the grid displayed. These numbers should come from the 2 times table up to the 10 times table, and they can range from 2 to 99. After each guess, the game will provide you with feedback:
/wɚdəl/ is an exciting remake of the classic word-guessing game, Wordle, where you won't be guessing words based on their English spelling. Instead, you'll be using the International Phonetic Alphabet to guess words based on their pronunciation in North American English. Isn't that intriguing? Don't wait any longer - start playing now and have a fantastic time!