Primle is a number game inspired by the popular word game Wordle. In this game, your goal is to find a five-digit number (ranging from 10,000 to 99,999) that is the product of five different prime numbers between 2 and 23 (including these numbers). The target number changes every day, providing a fresh challenge.
During each turn, you will input a five-digit number. Unlike Wordle, the game will not directly inform you if any digits match the target number. Instead, it will indicate whether the number you entered shares prime factors with the target number.
Similar to Wordle, the game will use colored indicators for the digits in your guess. If the first digit is colored, it means that your guess is divisible by the smallest prime factor of the target number. If the second digit is colored, it indicates divisibility by the second smallest factor, and so on.
When a digit is colored green, it signifies that both your guess and the target number are divisible by that prime factor to the same power. If a digit is colored yellow, it indicates that your guess and the target number are divisible by that prime factor to different powers.
By paying attention to these colored indicators, you can deduce the correct digits and work your way towards finding the target number.
If you're a fan of brain-teasers and enjoy solving mathematical puzzles, Calcle is the perfect game for you. In Calcle, your objective is to guess the numbers in an equation that results in the given outcome. Start playing now and have a great time!