Pundle is an exciting new word game that draws inspiration from popular games like Wordle, Dordle, Lingo, Wheel of Fortune, Hangman, and Definition. If you're familiar with any of these games, you'll quickly grasp how to play Pundle. The objective is to guess today's Pundle with as few hints as possible!
Pundle revolves around clever and punny answers to clues. Your challenge is to deduce the punny answer that matches the given clue using a limited number of hints and letters. It requires a combination of vocabulary, wordplay skills, and creative thinking to crack the pun and solve each puzzle.
Tap or type a letter and hit Enter to see if it appears in the puzzle. You're allowed to use only one vowel as a hint. When you feel confident about the solution, click the Solve Puzzle button. But be careful! If you enter a wrong letter while trying to solve the puzzle, it's Game Over!
After you've had a good time playing Pundle, make sure not to miss out on the fantastic games Quantle, Quizl, and Quolture! Don't pass up the opportunity to enjoy these games and have a ton of fun!